How Evictions Work and How to Avoid Them as a Landlord

I have been a real estate investor for 20 years or so and I have been a part of many evictions. I am also a real estate broker and I used to sell foreclosures for banks. I have been part of evictions for my own properties and for bank-owned properties as well. Read...
What is Earnest Deposit Money and How Much Is It?

What is Earnest Deposit Money and How Much Is It?

Earnest Money/House Deposits Explained What is earnest money? How much is earnest deposit money? How does earnest money work? What’s the difference between earnest money and down payment funds? These are all common questions that home buyers ask real estate...
Selling Your Parents House After Death: What to Know

Selling Your Parents House After Death: What to Know

What is an Estate Sale? Are you dealing with selling your parent’s home after death? The death of a relative is always brutal for a family. Not only do you have to weather the emotional turmoil that accompanies someone you love passing away, but you also have to...